Tuesday, January 17, 2012

more info on the swift fox :) (10 facts)

The swift fox has a beige belly, a black wet nose, pink ears on the inside.
  1. they run 60 kilometers per hour!
  2. sometimes they will come up to us humans for us to pet them if your very quiet!
  3. life for us is way different, for a swift fox.
  4. Even though its against the law, people keep them as pets and breed them to make a better population!
  5. As you can tell they get there name from their speed, their one of the fastest foxes known to man!
  6. most of them have black or brown eyes.
  7. just like us they like to chill in the sun 
  8. they can jump really high if they were on a trashcan and you had a regular 1 story house they could jump on it!
  9. they don't eat humans only small animal like: rats, possums, and bunnies
  10. The last fun fact is, they sometimes like to bite a bigger and stronger animals ankles for something to chew on!

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