there homes are in the ground in a ''U'' shape....Its actually pretty cool they dont make them really wide because the air would get out. And they have really thick fur so they need the cool air. When it comes for their birth they lay down and dig it a little wider so the babies have some room.
i will post a pic soon :-)
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
please read
Today, I relized tht i got alot of views but not any followers. And, i know its hard to care...but i care and you should to becaus they are Gods creatures <3 love them like i do Please!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Swift Foxes live in Canada, and they are always familiar with their weather climate. Which changes with the season. Summer for instance is hot like around 90 degrees. Fall is a regular of 70-75 degrees. Winter sometimes can fall between 50degrees or below and it does snow around 30 degrees so they are familiar with snow. And spring which is their mating season, is a estimate of 80-85 degrees. Which is perfect for their young. (offspring) so, you kind of get what I am Talking about here. ex- If you lived in Africa and ordered a swift fox (you can't really do that.) The weather would be WAY different, and could possibly kill the swift fox. Or possibly make them really sick, which wouldn't be a good thing if your trying to save them. To us it could be freezing but to a swift fox (and their fur is about 2 and a half inches thick) it would be pretty hot. They don't have heaters like we do, so their fur has to settle first. Its kind of like when you put on a jacket it wont be warmer right then, it would have to settle on your skin first. When it's cold they don't have fur on their belly so they mostly make burrows in a "U" shape under the ground and lay on their bellies. Which we will get to their homes and wear they live soon. Could you even think of living in a big den like this? would you like it? Why or why not. Well, i would say yes because I like to give things a try and it looks pretty could comment saying if you would or why not?! please. Okay, now back to the swift foxes. with their patches of fur their warm now think of the pachers that skin them....what do you think about potchers?
more info on the swift fox :) (10 facts)
The swift fox has a beige belly, a black wet nose, pink ears on the inside.
- they run 60 kilometers per hour!
- sometimes they will come up to us humans for us to pet them if your very quiet!
- life for us is way different, for a swift fox.
- Even though its against the law, people keep them as pets and breed them to make a better population!
- As you can tell they get there name from their speed, their one of the fastest foxes known to man!
- most of them have black or brown eyes.
- just like us they like to chill in the sun
- they can jump really high if they were on a trashcan and you had a regular 1 story house they could jump on it!
- they don't eat humans only small animal like: rats, possums, and bunnies
- The last fun fact is, they sometimes like to bite a bigger and stronger animals ankles for something to chew on!
Monday, January 16, 2012
about the video
The Swift Fox lives in Saskatchewan and Alberta in Canada and the western grasslands of North America. It is indeed rather swift, reaching speeds of more than 60 kilometers per hour! It is also other wise know as: Vulpes velox. Its a rather strange name but, its kind of entrusting when you think about it because these animals are very fascinating. There is nothing more of love in this world that we can share and if i had to give hope to any animal to any endangered species, it would be the swift fox. Not only because their cute, not only because their small, but because i care. And you should to; its a wonderful cause! <3 ***
a little more about the swift fox
The swift fox started out in Canada in 1938. They soon almost died out after, because of shortage of food. They ate grass which made them sick. Then they got repopulated and which now has been shortened once again. Life is not easy for the swift fox because cuteness for us can be a cute fur coat soon.The population of them left is: 500-600! can u believe that?!Think of all the hunters and people that actually killed them! That's only how much are in the wild!
Here are a few pics of the babies that i recently found and they are SO adorable!
more features: They have pointy ears some long legs, some not so much, eyes put on both sides of the snout, and is kind of like a Cat-Dog Mix.
Save the swift fox
How to Save Them:
There are so many ways to save them for istance: If you live in any area where a fox is try picking up trash and chemicals because if the foxes consume them they could soon DYE or get seriously sick. If you want to catch a possum or another animal try feeding that animal something different then a fox would eat. If you see a swift fox in the road try to avoid it and dont scare it away. if see one injured take it to a local wildlife animal preserve. If you have any fertilizers for your garden KEEP THEM AWAY. please do not feed the swift fox because it will become atached to you and will com back every day and try to get more food, which could be dangerous for you.
There are so many ways to save them for istance: If you live in any area where a fox is try picking up trash and chemicals because if the foxes consume them they could soon DYE or get seriously sick. If you want to catch a possum or another animal try feeding that animal something different then a fox would eat. If you see a swift fox in the road try to avoid it and dont scare it away. if see one injured take it to a local wildlife animal preserve. If you have any fertilizers for your garden KEEP THEM AWAY. please do not feed the swift fox because it will become atached to you and will com back every day and try to get more food, which could be dangerous for you.
The Swift Fox Facts: They are like any other ordinary fox, colorful, exciting, likes to eat meat, varity of colors, shy from humans, NEVER mess with their babies, just think of an ordinary fox :) <3
as you see here, this is a swift fox. They are fast, and the babies learn to hunt for after a certan age, but i can tell you the average of them are very very young hunters.
as you see here, this is a swift fox. They are fast, and the babies learn to hunt for after a certan age, but i can tell you the average of them are very very young hunters.
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